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The Innovator's Toolkit: 50+ Techniques for Predictable and Sustainable Organic Growth

The Innovator's Toolkit:50+ Techniques for Predictable and Sustainable Organic Growth

David Silverstein, Philip Samuel, and Neil DeCarlo

Summarized August 2010


SKU: 8101

ISBN: 0470345357

Price: $12.50

Available Formats: pdf mp3 ipad audiobook

Summary Description

To grow your company, you need a system for innovation.  Our summary of The Innovator’s Toolkit, by David Silverstein, Philip Samuel, and Neil DeCarlo, explains several tools and concepts that anyone involved with innovation should know.  These include methods and strategies for improving products and services, as well as techniques for developing new ones.

Silverstein is the founder and CEO of Breakthrough Management Group International, or BMGi, a consulting and training organization focused on innovation, Six Sigma, and business excellence.  Samuel is the Chief Innovation Officer at BMGI.  DeCarlo is the author of more than 200 articles and books on performance excellence.

In The Innovator’s Toolkit, they offer a practical framework for making innovation predictable and sustainable in any organization.  Once you master the techniques in this summary, you will be able to make rebirth and invention an everyday event in your business.

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