March 2015 Issue

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Inside this month's issue:

Letter from the Publisher

Strategic Wealth Advisor Performance

& Listing of Stock Held in Each Strategy

Listing of Portfolio Stocks


Extreme Value Stocks

Stocks with the Highest Fundamental Potential

10 Stocks with Outstanding Total Shareholder Yield

Letter from the Publisher

Where will the opportunities be in 2015?

Dear Investors,

Strategic Wealth Advisor

February was a great month for stocks. That strong bounce left the S&P 500 up 1.52% year-to-date. Even better, the SWA strategies are up 3.52% year-to-date, more than doubling the S&P 500 total return."

"So, where does that leave us? And, what’s ahead?"

On March 9, the current bull market will be six years old. And, we’ve never seen such a steep wall of worry. Back then, Nouriel Roubini called it a “dead cat bounce.” Many said the recession wouldn’t end until 2010, maybe 2011. Later, many supply-siders said the “Fiscal Cliff” would do us in. Then the always laughable Keynesians said “The Spending Sequester” would end the boom. And don’t forget Dubai, commercial real estate loans, Obamacare, or the implosion of the Eurozone. It’s been a long six years, but the stock market keeps rising and the economy keeps growing.

Why? The team behind Strategic Wealth Advisor, Trends, Business Briefings and AudioTech’s Business Book Summaries argues that the answer is pretty simple: “It is profits from entrepreneurial activity driving stocks higher.” QE and government spending have done little more than offset one another.

Based on 60 years of historical interest rates and profits data, we conclude that, with the 10-year Treasury yields anywhere below 4%, the current level of corporate profits means the equites are still undervalued when compared to historical norms. And, that’s why equities keep rising. The market has been, and still is, undervalued. This will be true until corporate profits fall sharply, interest rates soar, or stock prices rises to a point that exceeds the current value of discounted earnings.

This is why we remained bullish through all the fears of the past six years and why we don’t think the new panic du jour, caused by the rising dollar, is anything that should cause investors to climb into a bunker.

As the theory goes, a stronger US dollar (up almost 20% versus major world currencies since mid-2014) will hurt US equities by either reducing profits directly or hurting the US exports now and corporate profits down the road.

In theory, a stronger dollar translates into lower profits for US-based companies and listed multinational corporations. But that’s only true if the dollar keeps rising. Everyone knows the Fed is going to tighten policy (most likely beginning sometime between May and September), but we expect any tightening to go very slowly. As a result, we believe a strong dollar is already priced in, and perhaps more than priced in.

Those who currently fear a strong dollar tend to downplay other forces at work. The historical record shows little relationship between the strength of the dollar and corporate profits. For instance, corporate profits grew rapidly in the first half of the 1980s and for much of the 1990s, even as the dollar soared.

One reason is the so-called the “J-Curve.” This construct says that it takes a while for a stronger currency to change a country’s appetite away from goods produced domestically and toward foreign goods. So, in the meantime, it takes fewer dollars to buy the foreign goods we were going to buy anyhow. As a result, the trade deficit shrinks even as the dollar is stronger, boosting US GDP.

Another idea to keep in mind is that a stronger US dollar can reflect weaker foreign currencies due to actions taken by those countries, like looser monetary policy designed to prevent deflation. If so, those policies may generate more real economic growth abroad, which helps everyone.

But the ultimate reason a stronger US dollar should not be seen as a negative for US equities is that the stronger dollar is itself a vote of confidence in the future of the US economy. It signals that the collective wisdom of currency traders is giving America a big thumbs up.

The US bull market will come to an end someday. But that day is still a long way away and a stronger US dollar won’t be the culprit. Best wishes for maximum prosperity,


Fred A. Rogers Publisher

Strategic Wealth Advisor Performance

Breakdown of Recent SWA Performance Strategies vs. S&P 500

& Listing of Stock Held in Each Strategy

Listing of Portfolio Stocks

Premier Strategy

Listing of Portfolio Stocks

Core Growth Strategy

Listing of Portfolio Stocks

Shareholder Yield Strategy

Strategic Wealth Advisor Performance

Premier Strategy

The 25 Extreme Value Stocks


Strategy Execution

To maximize “after-tax returns” from the Strategic Wealth Advisor Premier strategy, we’ve found that it’s optimal to purchase equal dollar amounts of each of the stocks on the current Premier list in the month in which one chooses to initiate the strategy and hold those same stocks for one year. After 366 days, rebalance the portfolio so as to hold equal dollar amounts of the 25 stocks in the Premier portfolio. For instance, if one initiated this strategy on February  5, 2015, using the Premier list in the March 2015  issue, they would rebalance their portfolio on March 5, 2016, based on the Premier list in the March 2016 issue.

Strategic Wealth Advisor Performance

Premier Strategy

The 25 Extreme Value Stocks


US stocks Large Cap


US stocks Mid Cap


US stocks Small cap


Non US stocks


Unclassified stocks


US bonds investment grade


US bonds high yield


US bonds inflation protected


Non US bonds


Unclassified bonds








Strategy Execution

To maximize “after-tax returns” from the Strategic Wealth Advisor Premier strategy, we’ve found that it’s optimal to purchase equal dollar amounts of each of the stocks on the current Premier list in the month in which one chooses to initiate the strategy and hold those same stocks for one year. After 366 days, rebalance the portfolio so as to hold equal dollar amounts of the 25 stocks in the Premier portfolio. For instance, if one initiated this strategy on March 5, 2015, using the Premier list in the March 5, 2015  issue, they would rebalance their portfolio on March 5, 2016, based on the Premier list in the March 2016 issue.

Strategic Wealth Advisor Performance

Core Growth

Fundamental Potential


Strategy Execution

To maximize after-tax returns from the Strategic Wealth Advisor Core Growth strategy, we’ve found that it’s optimal to purchase equal dollar amounts of each of the stocks on the current Core Growth list in the month in which one chooses to initiate the strategy and hold those same stocks for one year. After 366 days, rebalance the portfolio so as to hold equal dollar amounts of the up to 10 stocks in the Core Growth portfolio. For instance, if one initiated this strategy on March 5, 2015, using the Core Growth list in the March 5, 2015 issue, one would rebalance their portfolio on March 5, 2016 based on the Core Growth list in the March 2016 issue.

Strategic Wealth Advisor Performance

Core Growth

Fundamental Potential


US stocks Large Cap


US stocks Mid Cap


US stocks Small cap


Non US stocks


Unclassified stocks


US bonds investment grade


US bonds high yield


US bonds inflation protected


Non US bonds


Unclassified bonds








Strategy Execution

To maximize after-tax returns from the Strategic Wealth Advisor Core Growth strategy, we’ve found that it’s optimal to purchase equal dollar amounts of each of the stocks on the current Core Growth list in the month in which one chooses to initiate the strategy and hold those same stocks for one year. After 366 days, rebalance the portfolio so as to hold equal dollar amounts of the up to 10 stocks in the Core Growth portfolio. For instance, if one initiated this strategy on March 5, 2015, using the Core Growth list in the February 2015 issue, one would rebalance their portfolio on March 5, 2016 based on the Core Growth list in the March 2016 issue.

Strategic Wealth Advisor Performance

Shareholder Yield

Stocks with the Best Total Shareholder Yield


Strategy Execution

To maximize after-tax returns from the Strategic Wealth Advisor Shareholder Yield strategy, we’ve found that it’s optimal to purchase equal dollar amounts of each of the stocks on the current Shareholder Yield list in the month in which one chooses to initiate the strategy and hold those same stocks for one year. After 366 days, rebalance the portfolio so as to hold equal dollar amounts of the 10 stocks in the Shareholder Yield portfolio. For instance, if one initiated this strategy on  March 5, 2015, using the Shareholder Yield list in the March 2015 issue, one would rebalance their portfolio on March 5, 2016  based on the Shareholder Yield list in the March 2016  issue.

Strategic Wealth Advisor Performance

Shareholder Yield

Stocks with the Best Total Shareholder Yield


US stocks Large Cap


US stocks Mid Cap


US stocks Small cap


Non US stocks


Unclassified stocks


US bonds investment grade


US bonds inflation protected


Non US bonds


Unclassified bonds








Strategy Execution

To maximize after-tax returns from the Strategic Wealth Advisor Shareholder Yield strategy, we’ve found that it’s optimal to purchase equal dollar amounts of each of the stocks on the current Shareholder Yield list in the month in which one chooses to initiate the strategy and hold those same stocks for one year. After 366 days, rebalance the portfolio so as to hold equal dollar amounts of the 10 stocks in the Shareholder Yield portfolio. For instance, if one initiated this strategy on February  5, 2015, using the Shareholder Yield list in the March 5, 2015 issue, one would rebalance their portfolio on March 5, 2016 based on the Shareholder Yield list in the March 2016  issue.

Notices & Disclaimers

The Strategic Wealth Advisor Newsletter and Strategic Wealth Advisor website (collectively referred to hereafter as "SWA"), are published as an information service for subscribers, and include opinions as to buying, selling and holding various stocks and other securities. However, the publishers of SWA are not brokers or investment advisers, and they do not provide investment advice or recommendations directed to any particular subscriber or in view of the particular circumstances of any particular person. The information provided by SWA is obtained from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. Subscribers to SWA or any other persons, who buy, sell or hold securities should do so with caution and consult with a broker or investment adviser before doing so.

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