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Simply Better: Winning and Keeping Customers by Delivering What Matters Most

Simply Better:Winning and Keeping Customers by Delivering What Matters Most

Patrick Barwise and Sean Meehan

Summarized August 2004


SKU: 8042

ISBN: 0875843980

Price: $12.50

Available Formats: pdf mp3 ipad audiobook

Summary Description

Every business must answer the most important question: What do customers really want?

Most executives believe they must offer something unique to win and keep customers. But it‘s become harder to differentiate products, so companies have resorted to branding, gimmicks, and “thinking outside the box.” Meanwhile, study after study shows that customers are less satisfied than they were a decade ago.

In Simply Better, summarized in part two, marketing and management professors Patrick Barwise and Sean Meehan argue that most companies have taken differentiation so far that they‘ve left their customers behind. Customers don‘t care about trivial differences between brands. What they really want are quality products, reliable services, and fair value for their money. Yet, most companies consistently fail to satisfy even these basic customer needs.

In this summary, you‘ll learn how meeting and exceeding the most ordinary of customer expectations can lead to extraordinary business success.

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